As I mentioned in my 2014 year in Review post, I wanted to move this blog to my self-hosted WordPress site at Copper Leaf Genealogy. Well, I finally did it!

497 new blog

You can get there in two ways: the link above will take you to the homepage and then you can click Blog in the upper right hand corner and you’ll see the screen above. Or you can go to – either one will work!

That page will show you my last four posts. the words above the posts are categories. You can click on those to see only the posts that have that category attached to them. I don’t necessarily like how this looks but figure I can play with it as time goes on.

When you click on a post, there is a left-hand column that has the usual email subscriptions as well as all my social media links. I did transfer all of my subscribers from this blog to the new blog and all my posts from here have been transferred. Nice and (somewhat) easy!

Let me know what you all think! (On the new blog of course)

Categories: Uncategorized

Motivation Monday! My Business Venture

I have some big news! I have officially started my own business! It’s called Copper Leaf Genealogy. Why the name? At the NGS conference last May, I happened to buy a copper leaf necklace. The necklace is a reminder to me of my new career choice and represents my hopes for my career. So, I named my business with that in mind.

One of the blogging prompts on geneabloggers today is about Motivation and setting some genealogy goals. With my new business in mind, here are some of my goals (in no particular order):

  1. Create an “elevator pitch” so I have something to go to when people ask me about my business
  2. Start marketing myself by getting out there and doing some presentations for groups
  3. Find a professional genealogist mentor
  4. Continue my own family research with the thought of writing articles on them
  5. Continue my education by attending conferences, reading journals, etc.
  6. Begin creating presentations that I can bring to libraries for beginning genealogists
  7. Continue networking with other genealogists to get ideas and advice from others who have been there
  8. Continue working toward certification by taking ProGen (still on the waiting list!), writing articles, and doing presentations

Can you believe that this has been just a bit over a year? It was a year earlier this month! There is so much that I have done and learned through this process and I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone out there who has read my posts, commented, and given some wonderful advice.


I am looking forward to what will be coming next! 🙂

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